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Monday, March 3, 2014

The SLS is a mission made by NASA; this would help us to create, new technologies, ad to investigate with more details, our solar system. Also they would send 4 astronauts, to the orbit of the earth, so they would live there, and go on missions. They would also investigate the moon, mars and some asteroids, that are around the earth. The SLS would be launched on 2017, on its first mission, but the second mission would be send with the astronauts, on 2021. So this would be one of the most important missions that the NASA are making, also the SLS, would be the biggest rocket, being even bigger than Saturn V.  This project would also use very advance technology that would help the rocket be on orbit, they would use very powerful engines and boosters, to make of this mission one of the most important on human history.

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